“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Relatives, In-Laws, Out-Laws, Clients Past, Current, and Future…”

With that appeal, Frank Del Monte opened the latest edition of his fan newsletter announcing that his Arizona British Bikes had officially become one the latest new dealer and installers of the KickMagic pneumatic starter-assist kits for vintage Triumph motorcycles. Franks is the founder of the International Norton Owners Association, a life member of the American Motorcyclist Association, and he is the author of Motorcycle Arizona!, a rider’s guide to his great state.

Motorcycle Arizona! features more than 70 motorcycle trips, from the Grand Canyon to Bisbee, with crossovers into Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. You’ll find Arizona attractions, lodging, maps, tips on clothing, safety, weather, and more.
Frank’s recent newsletter went on to say, “If you are still a vintage biker and are still into vintage bikes, please read on. Especially if you have ‘tired right leg syndrome’ from kick-starting those beasties. On that subject, I recently broke my right foot in two places kicking on a client’s Norton …and spent six weeks in a walking boot!”
If his isn’t one of the best real-life examples,
…of why we developed the KickMagic System, we look forward to learning even better ones from our safe, satisfied customers, and from our team of dealer-installers across the USA and around the world. Frank also represents our collection of Alton Electric Starter systems for Norton and Velocette and Alton Generator Replacements for vintage British motorcycles.
“I’ve had one of these starters on my bike since 2013,” Frank adds, “and it has never missed a beat. Sorry Beezer guys, I’m still looking for a starter for you.”
Frank Del Monte’s Arizona British Bikes
…is located at 1429 E. Griswold Road in Phoenix, Arizona. You can call 602.647.2965 or email him at info@AzBritBikes.com.
do know of one of these kick magic that fits in a 1967 norton atlas .